JUnit 4 Vs TestNG
JUnit 4 Vs TestNG
JUnit 4 and TestNG are both unit test frameworks in Java. Both frameworks superficially look very similar in functionality. Among JUnit 4 Vs TestNG, TestNG is better that JUnit 4 when we compare them both for an availability of various features to create robust test frameworks.
TestNG fares better than JUnit on following parameters.
Support for Annotations
Both the frameworks have support for annotations. In JUnit 4, the @BeforeClass and @AfterClass methods have to be declared as static. TestNG does not have this constraint. TestNG has provided three additional setup/teardown pairs for the suite, test and groups, i.e. @BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite, @BeforeTest, @AfterTest, @BeforeGroup and @AfterGroup.
Dependent Tests
We cannot create dependent tests in JUnit. It’s possible only in TestNG.
TestNG uses “dependOnMethods” to implement the dependency testing as following.@Test
public void test1()
System.out.println(“This is test 1”);
public void test2()
System.out.println(“This is test2”);
}The “test2()” will execute only if “test1()” is run successfully, else “test2()” will skip the test.
Parallel Execution of the tests
JUnit does not have inherent support for parallel execution. However, we can use maven-surefire-plugin and Gradle test task attribute maxParallelForks to execute the tests in parallel. TestNG has inherent support for parallelization by means of “parallel” and “thread-count” attributes in . @Test annotation has threadPoolSize attribute.
JUnit is often shipped with mainstream IDEs by default, which contributes to its wider popularity. However, TestNG’s goal is much wider, which includes not only unit testing, but also support of integration and acceptance testing, etc. Which one is better or more suitable depends on use contexts and requirements.
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