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Phishing Simulation

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Phishing Simulation

What Is A Phishing Simulation Service?

At Aress, we provide phishing simulation services which are phishing tests that are designed to improve employee awareness about phishing scams across your organization.

With our specially crafted phishing tests, simulated phishing emails are sent to employees across your organization. These emails act like real phishing emails to get your employees to click links, enter passwords or perform other actions often requested by phishing emails.

What is the purpose of Phishing Simulation?

The purpose of the test is that employees can make mistakes and fall for simulated phishing emails and learn from their mistakes in a safe controlled environment without the drastic consequences of a real phishing scam.

Phishing simulations ensure your employees can detect and avoid cyber threats like phishing, social engineering, ransomware, and others. These interactive phishing tests can be part of any security awareness training program, facilitating the process of reducing risk, building threat resilience, and creating a security-aware organizational culture.

General Phishing Facts and Statistics


Business email compromises


Phishing messages with malware infections


Account compromises

Types of phishing attacks


Phishing Simluation


benefits-iconFeatures & Benefits

  • Multiple Phishing Emails and Scenarios to simulate
  • Comprehensive and easy Reporting
  • Easy to deliver simulation
  • Customized templates for every industry sectors

FAQ for Phishing Simulation

Anyone can be the target of a phishing attack. Cyber criminals use savvy phishing tactics in emails, websites, and text messages to trick people into divulging confidential information. It takes only one moment of inattention to open the door for a cyber criminal to conduct malicious activity. A resulting data breach or infection of a device, server, or network can cause your organization severe financial and reputational harm.

If an employee clicks on a simulated phishing email, rest assured that no harm will come from that to your organization. Instead, the action may be recorded and brought to the attention of their security or IT department so that the employee may be provided instruction for how to avoid making the same mistake.

Simulations should be carried out regularly to ensure your users are updated with the latest threats and keep their resilience high. We recommend performing at least 3 to 4 simulations per year.

To get started, simply contact us, and our experts will guide you through the process.